devDept (Temporary Newer) (analysis done Today 13:51 most recent)

WARNING: This code rule is violated. 89 fields on 18171 tested match the condition.
// <Name>API Breaking Changes: Fields</Name>
warnif count > 0 from f in codeBase.OlderVersion().Application.Fields
where f.IsPubliclyVisible &&

// The field has been removed, it was not tagged as obsolete
     // and its parent type hasn't been removed …
     ( ( f.WasRemoved() && 
!f.ParentType.WasRemoved() && 

// … or the field is not publicly visible anymore
     ||  !f.WasRemoved() && !f.NewerVersion().IsPubliclyVisible)

// … or the field type has changed
     || (!f.WasRemoved() && f.FieldType != null && f.NewerVersion().FieldType != null
&& f.FieldType.FullName != f.NewerVersion().FieldType.FullName)

select new { 
NewVisibility = 
(f.WasRemoved() ? " " : 
Debt = 10.ToMinutes().ToDebt(),
Severity = Severity.High

// This rule is executed only if a *baseline for comparison* is defined (*diff mode*).
// This rule warns if a field publicly visible in the *baseline*, 
// is not publicly visible anymore or if it has been removed.
// Clients code using such field will be broken.

// Make sure that public fields that used to be presented to
// clients, still remain public now, and in the future.
// If a public field must really be removed, you can tag it
// with *System.ObsoleteAttribute* with a *workaround message*
// during a few public releases, until it gets removed definitely.
// Notice that this rule doesn't match fields removed that were
// tagged as obsolete.
// Issues of this rule have a severity equal to **High**
// because an API Breaking change can provoque significant
// friction with consumers of the API.
89 fields NewVisibility Debt Severity Full Name
Center Public 10min High devDept.Geometry.BoundingSphere.Center
Radius Public 10min High devDept.Geometry.BoundingSphere.Radius
DefaultLayerName Internal 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Layer.DefaultLayerName
value__ Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.ShapeFileType.value__
Shape Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.ShapeFileType.Shape
Unifont Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.ShapeFileType.Unifont
BigFont Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.ShapeFileType.BigFont
value__ Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.ShapeCommand.value__
EndOfShape Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.ShapeCommand.EndOfShape
PenDown Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.ShapeCommand.PenDown
PenUp Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.ShapeCommand.PenUp
DivideVectorLengths Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.ShapeCommand .DivideVectorLengths
MultiplyVectorLengths Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.ShapeCommand .MultiplyVectorLengths
PushCurrentLocationOntoStack Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.ShapeCommand .PushCurrentLocationOntoStack
PopCurrentLocationFromStack Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.ShapeCommand .PopCurrentLocationFromStack
DrawSubshapeNumberGiven Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.ShapeCommand .DrawSubshapeNumberGiven
XYDisplacement Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.ShapeCommand .XYDisplacement
MultipleXYDisplacements Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.ShapeCommand .MultipleXYDisplacements
OctantArc Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.ShapeCommand.OctantArc
FractionalArc Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.ShapeCommand .FractionalArc
ArcDefinedByXYDisplacementAndBulge Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.ShapeCommand .ArcDefinedByXYDisplacementAndBulge
MultipleBulgeSpecifiedArcs Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.ShapeCommand .MultipleBulgeSpecifiedArcs
ProcessNextCommandOnlyIfVerticalText Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.ShapeCommand .ProcessNextCommandOnlyIfVerticalText
RegularLine Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.ShapeCommand.RegularLine
DefaultTextStyleName Internal 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.TextStyle .DefaultTextStyleName
shapeFile Internal 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.TextStyle.shapeFile
Width Internal 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.FontStyleCharData.Width
fontDefs Internal 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Environment.fontDefs
_totalChildsCounter Internal 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.QuadTree ._totalChildsCounter
SelectionEntities Private 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.ViewCubeIcon .SelectionEntities
sb Public 10min High
layers Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.WriteWebGLParams.layers
materials Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.WriteWebGLParams .materials
tol Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.WriteWebGLParams.tol
maxAngle Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.WriteWebGLParams .maxAngle
clippingPlaneMesh Internal 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.ClippingPlane .clippingPlaneMesh
_entList Private 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Block._entList
UnitSize Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.WebGL.Utilities.UnitSize
strV0 Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Nurbs.SurfaceEx.strV0
strVn Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Nurbs.SurfaceEx.strVn
strU0 Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Nurbs.SurfaceEx.strU0
strUn Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Nurbs.SurfaceEx.strUn
c00 Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Nurbs.SurfaceEx.c00
c0n Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Nurbs.SurfaceEx.c0n
cn0 Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Nurbs.SurfaceEx.cn0
cnn Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Nurbs.SurfaceEx.cnn
needSubdiv Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Nurbs.SurfaceEx .needSubdiv
flatV Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Nurbs.SurfaceEx.flatV
flatU Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Nurbs.SurfaceEx.flatU
candidateDistance Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Nurbs.SurfaceEx .candidateDistance
candidate Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Nurbs.SurfaceEx .candidate
parent Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Nurbs.SurfaceEx.parent
kid0 Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Nurbs.SurfaceEx.kid0
kid1 Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Nurbs.SurfaceEx.kid1
kid2 Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Nurbs.SurfaceEx.kid2
kid3 Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Nurbs.SurfaceEx.kid3
W Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Nurbs.SurfaceEx.W
estimatedDomain Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Nurbs.SurfaceEx .estimatedDomain
min Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Nurbs.SurfaceEx.min
max Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Nurbs.SurfaceEx.max
dirFlag Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Nurbs.SurfaceEx.dirFlag
normalCone Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Nurbs.SurfaceEx .normalCone
Axis Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Nurbs.BoundingCone.Axis
HalfAngle Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Nurbs.BoundingCone .HalfAngle
Apex Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Nurbs.AnchoredCone.Apex
BooleanErrorCount 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Translators.ReadIFC .BooleanErrorCount
GlobalIdFilter 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Translators.ReadIFC .GlobalIdFilter
EntitiesWithError 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Translators .WriteFileAsync.EntitiesWithError
_subdivisionTree Internal 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Entity ._subdivisionTree
value__ Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.motionType .value__
value__ Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Entities .FastPointCloud+multiColorType.value__
None Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Entities .FastPointCloud+multiColorType.None
RGB Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Entities .FastPointCloud+multiColorType.RGB
RGBA Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Entities .FastPointCloud+multiColorType.RGBA
Indeterminate Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Entities .FastPointCloud+multiColorType .Indeterminate
Visited Internal 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Brep+Face .Visited
hasEdgesToSplit Internal 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Brep+Face .hasEdgesToSplit
plane Internal 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Brep+Face.plane
planeAlreadySet Internal 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Brep+Face .planeAlreadySet
coplanarFacesIndices 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Brep+Face .coplanarFacesIndices
coplanarFacesOpposite 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Brep+Face .coplanarFacesOpposite
original Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Surface+RepSurf .original
reparametrized Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Surface+RepSurf .reparametrized
uScale Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Surface+RepSurf .uScale
vScale Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Surface+RepSurf .vScale
flipInU Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Surface+RepSurf .flipInU
offsetInU Public 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Surface+RepSurf .offsetInU
scaleU Internal 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.RevolvedSurface .scaleU
scaleV Internal 10min High devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.RevolvedSurface .scaleV
Sum: - 1d 6h -
Average: - 10min -
Minimum: - 10min -
Maximum: - 10min -
Standard deviation: - 0min 0s -
Variance: - 0min 0s -