You can extract the thumbnail icon from the Eyeshot proprietary file format with the below code
Bitmap thumb = UtilityEx.ConvertBytesToImage(new ReadFile(fileName, true).GetThumbnail());
For example, you can use it to create your own shell thumbnail providers as explained in this codeproject tutorial.
[COMServerAssociation(AssociationType.FileExtension, ".eye")]
public class EyeThumbnailHandler : SharpThumbnailHandler
protected override Bitmap GetThumbnailImage(uint width)
return new ReadFile(SelectedItemStream, true).GetThumbnail((int)width);
Hi, where can I find Eyeshot Version 12 download? I only can download Version 11 in my account.
Hi Joe,
it is still a work in progress, the Beta version should be available in September/October 2018.
You can check the roadmap here.
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