Boolean Operations and Floating Point Recommendations
Devin Hughes
I am getting failures when performing boolean operations like difference between shapes that have the same dimensions, e.g., two cylinders intersecting. Is there a recommended way to handle this situation? I was looking for an epsilon value to handle floating point differences, but I haven't found any documentation.
A minimal example to reproduce is:
public List<Entity>? Create()
var shapes = new List<Entity>();
var tube1 = CreateTube(6.625, 6, 12, System.Drawing.Color.Red);
// Changing the OD and ID by a fuzz factor makes the difference operation work
var tube2 = CreateTube(6.625, 6, 16, System.Drawing.Color.Green);
tube2.Rotate(Math.PI / 2, Vector3D.AxisX);
tube2.Translate(0, 8.0, 0);
var differenceBodies = Brep.Difference(tube1, tube2);
if (differenceBodies != null)
foreach (var body in differenceBodies)
body.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Blue;
return shapes;
public Brep? CreateTube(double od, double id, double length, System.Drawing.Color color)
var cylOd = Brep.CreateCylinder(od, length);
var cylId = Brep.CreateCylinder(id, length);
var tube = Brep.Difference(cylOd, cylId).FirstOrDefault();
if (tube != null)
tube.ColorMethod = colorMethodType.byEntity;
tube.Color = color;
return tube;
The above snippet fails to perform a difference operation (null returned). If I change the diameter of one of the tubes by a small epsilon amount, the above operations succeed as expected.
Is there a recommended way to deal with this situation?
Hello Devin,
Please provide us every single problematic case via support ticket.
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