Eyeshot 2024 is here! 🎊

Bologna, Italy — March 20, 2024. devDept Software S.r.l., leading provider of software development tools to the engineering industry, today announces the release of Eyeshot 2024, the native CAD control for .NET
New Hybrid Licensing Model
Eyeshot 2024 has a hybrid licensing model that combines SAAS and perpetual licensing. The new model brings a few changes that will benefit developers in several ways:
- There will be no runtime licensing, which means there will be no licensing delays in production applications.
- An active subscription will be required for application development, including tools like Visual Studio Designer and DebuggerVisualizer.
- Enhanced restriction on library use without an active subscription. UI interaction will be disabled, and any use during the development will be blocked. This could impact the work on large-scale projects for development team members without valid licenses.
- Developers will be able to install Eyeshot on an unlimited number of devices, but an internet connection will always be required.
- There will be no more trial period extensions; prospects can only trial the software once every six months.
- Customers who purchase the current Eyeshot version will no longer be able to request serial numbers for older versions.
New PricingÂ
The updated pricing plan lets you choose between monthly and yearly payment options for application development subscription licenses, including unrestricted access to the knowledge base and product documentation. The pricing for both new licenses and license renewals is now uniform and ranges from €45 to €91 per month (with Lite support). Discounts for volume and multi-year subscriptions are no longer available.
Priority Support
The technical support service is now available on two levels: Lite Support and Priority Support. Lite Support offers a 72-hour response time and a maximum of 12 support incidents per year. Priority support guarantees a 24-hour response time and unlimited support incidents.
Eyeshot 2024 is shipped via offline NuGet packages for NET6, NET7, NET8, and NET Framework 4.7.2 (Article, Video). Designers are also package-based, allowing seamless upgrades without needing a full setup download and installation.
devDept Private NuGet server URL: http://nuget.devdept.com (Setup instructions)Â
New Features
- PrintSimulationMesh entity (Video)
- MultiFastMesh entity (Article1, Article2)
- FEM Modal Analysis (Video)
- Animation for Finite Element Analysis results (Video)
- ReadGLTF and WriteGLTF classes
- Improved Label drawing
- Thread-safe Read/WriteSTEP classes
- SketchManager class removal in favor of SketchEntity.Edit() method (Article)
- IFC entities removal in favor of Entity.IfcProperties property
- Refactored ReadIFC class based on XBIM
- Material at Brep face level
- Extensive use of NuGet packages in core product assemblies
New Samples
- Code samples were refactored into a single .NET6 Visual Studio solution
- Demos were refactored into a single .NET6 Visual Studio solution
- New Defeature code sample (Video)
- New ExploreIFC code sample
- Improved TextureMapping code sample with Material Library (Video)
Breaking Changes
Breaking Changes in Eyeshot 2024
License Activation for Eyeshot versions prior to 2020
With the release of Eyeshot 2024, we have retired an old licensing server. Please follow these instructions if you need to reinstall or reactivate an old Eyeshot version.
Great release!
There is an incorrect reference path in your SampleCollection.sln for WPF C#; it tries to find the Common/CustomControls/ folder but is off by one level in the file hierarchy
Hello Ascension Developer,
I've tested the Eyeshot 2024.1.203 installer in a Sandbox environment and everything seems to work fine on my end. I'm having difficulty understanding the problem with the reference path you're experiencing.
Could you provide more specifics, please?
Sorry, my mistake - I just released I introduced an extra level to the folder structure when rearranging some files
Moving forward, is there a way that the assemblies required for drawing read/write (.tx, .dll, etc) can be put in their own folder when the project builds and kept separate from everything else? At the moment everything gets output to the build directory. Occasionally Eyeshot updates to newer versions of these files which just end up cluttering the build directory, making it impossible to know which ones are needed for distribution to customers.
Do you have a list of the files that need to be distributed?
Hello Chris,
Unfortunately, for the Eyeshot.x64 package, the ODA files need to reside in the same directory as the Eyeshot.x64.dll.
If you need to deploy your application, I recommend referring to the Deployment Guide section of the documentation, making sure to include all the tx files. By using ClickOnce procedure, you can manually include them as shown in the picture below.
If you need further assistance, please feel free to open a support ticket, and we’ll be happy to help.
Thank you, Marcello.
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