Eyeshot 9.0 Beta available for download

Alberto Bencivenni
devDept Software is pleased to announce that Eyeshot 9.0 is now in beta testing.
What's New
- Added support to WPF control for Remote Desktop Connection
- Added support for reading point clouds from LAS files (ReadLAS class)
- Added support for AutoCAD SHX fonts
- Added VolumeRendering (see VolumeRendering source code sample)
- Improved FeatureDetection source code sample
- New source code sample Routing
- Added support for Windows 10 and Visual Studio 2015
- Eyeshot Tools, a new utility application for activation, projects upgrade, samples unlock, laptop machine detection.
- Added Solid3D watertight triangulation, silhouette drawing and texture mapping.
- Added Text entity conversion to Nurbs curves and Region entities
- Added Layer.Exportable property
- Added selection filter to enable selection on object faces, edges, vertices.
- Added SelectVisibleByPickDynamic action type to allow selection dynamic highlight
- Added the Text.Billboard property to see the text always parallel to screen
- Added Leader entity
- Added Solid3D.IsPointInside(), Section() and IntersectionCurves() methods
- Added Region.ExtrudeAsSolid3D(), RevolveAsSolid3D() and SweepAsSolid3D()
- Improved 2D triangulation
- Improved FPS rate of WPF source code samples
- Added the Lighting property to all User Interface elements, when false a new flat UI is used.
- Added resolution independence in WPF control to support 4k monitors
- Added the WPF MVVM source code sample
- Added UtilityEx.ConxexHull() method for 3D convex hull computation
- Added ICurve.IntersectWith() method
- Added the ability to localize enums in this way
- Added face selection for Mesh and Solid entities
What has changed
- New rule: Extrude, Revolve and Sweep from Region generate closed objects, from curves generate open objects
- ICurve.IsPlanar() on closed curves always returns a consistent plane
- Extrude, Revolve and Sweep methods were renamed to ExtrudeAsMesh(), RevolveAsMesh() and SweepAsMesh(), ExtrudeAsSolid(), RevolveAsSolid() and SweepAsSolid(), etc.
- Removed the ability to set center of rotation with multi-touch
- Changed MagnifyingGlass, now available as an ActionMode.
- .NET Framework, now it's version 4.5
- DLL name, now they all end with the .v9 suffix
- Added WorkUnit.Unlock() to WorkUnit and all derived classes
- WorkUnit.DoWork(ViewportLayout) does not call WorkCompleted() anymore
- ButtonStyle.ColorTheme property was moved to Background class
- colorThemeType now includes Auto for automatic background brightness detection
- Eyeshot control font is now inherit from parent Form/Window
- ToolBar.Contains() method now takes the mouse cursor position in screen coordinates
Release Notes
Only the language reference of the documentation is periodically updated, all the rest is still a work in progress (http://documentation.devdept.com/90/webframe.html).
You can find some videos of new features here.
where is the download link ?
Hi Semi,
The download link in your DevDept account. You need to log in: https://www.devdept.com/Account/LogIn
trial users dont see link :(
Yes, we only do internal Beta. Sorry.
Do you have any estimates on the date when the non-beta version will be released?
We are regular user of Eyeshot since 2012. We have been using all versions from 5 to 8.
Why I can't see the download link either?
Because your subscription is expiring before the release date. I've just sent it to you via HighTail.
We had used eyeshot old-version(version 6, 7, 8).
And, we still use this version and we have some problems.
(Tessellation, Solid3D booleans, Watertight triangulation, etc...)
We want to test new-version Eyeshot(9.0). Please add link on my site.
Hi Edward,
The setup is already on your way.
Is there an expected release data for the non-beta version of Eyeshot 9?
Hi Frank,
It was released on Jan 19, 2015
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