Eyeshot 12 Released! 🥂

Bologna, Italy — January 31, 2019. devDept Software S.r.l., leading provider of software development tools to the engineering industry, today announces the release of Eyeshot 12, the native CAD control for .NET Framework.
We’ve added Model, Drawings and Simulation environments. Environments are variants of the Eyeshot control tailored for their specific scope.
Drawings environment embodies the AutoCAD®’s Paper Space. This new control supports ISO and ANSI sheets formats, title blocks, vector and raster views, metric and imperial units, bidirectional exchange with AutoCAD® layouts and read/write from proprietary file format. (Video)
The Table entity was added. It mimics the AutoCAD table entity and it can be stored in DWG/DXF without losing its properties.
Teigha SWIG
In Eyeshot version 12 we replaced the deprecated Teigha .NET Classic with Teigha SWIG platform for DWG/DXF interoperability. Another benefit of this platform switch is the WritePDF class that allows the geometry export to 3D PDF file format.
LAS file format
We optimized the speed of LAS file import and added export.
BRep import/export
Brep (former Solid3D) objects are now read/write as native BRep objects from/to DWG/DXF (Video).
Temporary Entities
How many times did you wish you could add some objects to the scene without seeing them in the entities collection? Temporary entities were designed exactly for this reason. They can be used to highlight an item or a workflow in your application. The TempEntities source code sample provides all the implementation details. (Video)
Improved Lighting
Your 3D geometry now looks definitely better.
Multi-plane Clipping
Eyeshot 12 clipping with capping feature has been extended to multiple planes. (Video).
New WPF Renderer
A new, less intrusive, native renderer for WPF control is available. (More details here)
Turbo mode (former FastZPR)
Turbo mode is a new feature to improve Zoom/Pan/Rotate dynamic movements speed. It kicks in when the scene complexity goes beyond a specified threshold and it supports the most complex dataset. Try it please! (Video, Video)
BRep drawing speed
The drawing speed of Brep (former Solid3D) entity was optimized.
In this version, we added scaling support to ObjectManipulator and a number of options to change its style. See ObjectManipulator source code sample for all the details. (Video)
Thumbnail View
Our proprietary file format now supports thumbnail views. (Video)
The SubdivideBy() method was added at Brep and Brep.Face level to allow better face coloring or geometry preparation for Finite Element Analysis. (Video)
Instance Visibility
In Eyeshot version 12 you can toggle visibility at BlockReference instance level. The AssemblyBrowser sample was updated do demonstrate this feature.
The new PaperSpace, AssemblyDemo, ComputeDistance and TempEntities source code samples were added. The DraftingDemo, ObjectManipulator and SelectTriangles samples where updated.
The dataset assembly has been replaced by source code. In version 12 all our samples’ custom controls are now available in plain C#.
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