Geometry Import/Export

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  • Is JT Reader to be upgraded in order to import also new version of he file format?

  • I'm trying to implement a simple converter that reads PDF and writes DXF. Therefore i'm trying to get this working without using the winforms/wpf design control. However it seems that these classes depend on the devDept.Eyeshot.Control.Windows package. I suspect this is due to the fact that it uses the background worker stuff. Is there a way to use a lower level implementation that does not depend on the UI controls, so I could use it in an API for instance?

  • Hi Gert,

    This article explains how to read/write DWG/DXF files without UI.

    Problem is that devDept.Eyeshot.Translators.ReadPDF is defined in devDept.Eyeshot.Control assembly, that's why you need to reference it.

  • Hi Marcello. I guess that asking the question is answering it... So, in essence we can conclude that what I want is impossible to do without the Winforms/WPF package and therefore it's not possible to create a console app or aspnetcore app that can handle this scenario?

  • Hi Gert,

    Sorry, you're right, the short answer is no.

  • Hi Marcello, 

    Thanks ;-) 

    The obvious follow-up question would then be, "can we expect this class to become available without this dependency?".

    Logically, for me there is no obvious reason to require winforms-related (UI) classes to read and interpret PDF content...

     As a side note: Maybe it would be a good idea in general to open-source these parts of the component/framework for us devs to pitch in and be able to contribute by attempting these "refactorings" ourselves.

  • can it be used for displaying the entity from the file on the viewport???


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