private const string
DimLayer = "Dimension",
ThinLayer = "ThinLayer",
DashDot = "DashDot";
design1.Layers[0].LineWeight = 2;
design1.Layers.Add(new Layer(DimLayer, Color.CornflowerBlue));
design1.Layers.Add(new Layer(ThinLayer));
design1.LineTypes.Add(DashDot, new float[] { 30, -5, 5, -5 });
int x = 0;
int y = 287 / 6 - 20;
Circle bco = new Circle(x, y, 0, 65);
Circle cit = new Circle(x, y + 100, 0, 17);
Circle cot = new Circle(x, y + 100, 0, 28);
Circle cib = new Circle(x - 54, y - 90, 0, 8);
Circle cob = new Circle(x - 54, y - 90, 0, 18);
Arc r28_1 = (Arc)UtilityEx.GetCirclesTangentToTwoCircles(cob, bco, 28, true)[1];
double x_i1 = x + Math.Cos(Utility.DegToRad(-45)) * (36);
double y_i1 = y + Math.Sin(Utility.DegToRad(-45)) * (36);
double x_i2 = x + Math.Cos(Utility.DegToRad(-135)) * (36);
double y_i2 = y + Math.Sin(Utility.DegToRad(-135)) * (36);
Arc acr = new Arc(new Point3D(x_i1, y_i1, 0), 16, Math.PI);
Arc acl = new Arc(new Point3D(x_i2, y_i2, 0), 16, Math.PI);
acr.Rotate(Utility.DegToRad(135), acr.Plane.AxisZ, acr.Center);
acl.Rotate(-Utility.DegToRad(135), acl.Plane.AxisZ, acl.Center);
Line li = UtilityEx.GetLinesTangentToTwoCircles(bco, cot)[0];
Line lr = UtilityEx.GetLinesTangentToTwoCircles(bco, cot)[1];
Line lib = UtilityEx.GetLinesTangentToTwoCircles(bco, cob)[1];
Arc abcol = new Arc(bco.Center, bco.Radius, 2 * Math.PI);
Arc abcor = new Arc(bco.Center, bco.Radius, 2 * Math.PI);
abcol.TrimBy(li.StartPoint, true);
abcor.TrimBy(lr.StartPoint, false);
Arc acot = new Arc(cot.Center, cot.Radius, 2 * Math.PI);
Arc aic = new Arc(new Point3D(x, y, 0), 20, Utility.DegToRad(270));
Arc aoc = new Arc(new Point3D(x, y, 0), 52, Utility.DegToRad(270));
aic.Rotate(-Utility.DegToRad(45), aic.Plane.AxisZ, aic.Center);
aoc.Rotate(-Utility.DegToRad(45), aoc.Plane.AxisZ, aoc.Center);
acot.TrimBy(li.EndPoint, false);
acot.TrimBy(lr.EndPoint, true);
//dimensions and axes
Circle ccd = new Circle(x, y, 0, 36);
ccd.LineTypeName = DashDot;
ccd.LineTypeMethod = colorMethodType.byEntity;
design1.Entities.Add(ccd, DimLayer);
Line axisX = new Line(-79, y, 90, y);
axisX.LineTypeMethod = colorMethodType.byEntity;
axisX.LineTypeName = DashDot;
design1.Entities.Add(axisX, DimLayer);
Line axisY = new Line(x, y + 153, x, y - 115);
axisY.LineTypeMethod = colorMethodType.byEntity;
axisY.LineTypeName = DashDot;
design1.Entities.Add(axisY, DimLayer);
Line dt = new Line(x - 43, y + 100, x + 90, y + 100);
dt.LineTypeMethod = colorMethodType.byEntity;
dt.LineTypeName = DashDot;
design1.Entities.Add(dt, DimLayer);
Line dbx = new Line(x - 82, y - 90, x - 26, y - 90);
dbx.LineTypeMethod = colorMethodType.byEntity;
dbx.LineTypeName = DashDot;
design1.Entities.Add(dbx, DimLayer);
Line dby = new Line(x - 54, y - 118, x - 54, y - 62);
dby.LineTypeMethod = colorMethodType.byEntity;
dby.LineTypeName = DashDot;
design1.Entities.Add(dby, DimLayer);
Line a45r = new Line(x, y, x + Math.Cos(Utility.DegToRad(-45)) * (85), y + Math.Sin(Utility.DegToRad(-45)) * (85));
a45r.LineTypeMethod = colorMethodType.byEntity;
a45r.LineTypeName = DashDot;
design1.Entities.Add(a45r, DimLayer);
Line a45l = new Line(x, y, x + Math.Cos(Utility.DegToRad(-135)) * (60), y + Math.Sin(Utility.DegToRad(-135)) * (60));
a45l.LineTypeMethod = colorMethodType.byEntity;
a45l.LineTypeName = DashDot;
design1.Entities.Add(a45l, DimLayer);
Plane pln = new Plane(Point3D.Origin, Vector3D.AxisY, Vector3D.AxisMinusX);
design1.Entities.Add(new LinearDim(pln, new Point3D(x + 70, y), new Point3D(x + 70, y + 100), new Point3D(x + 85, y + 50), 5), DimLayer);
design1.Entities.Add(new LinearDim(pln, new Point3D(x - 70, y), new Point3D(x - 70, y - 90), new Point3D(x - 95, y - 45), 5), DimLayer);
design1.Entities.Add(new LinearDim(Plane.XY, new Point2D(cib.Center.X, y), new Point2D(x, y), new Point2D((cib.Center.X + x) / 2, y - 133), 5), DimLayer);
r28_1 = SyncArcWithXY(r28_1);
RadialDim rdim1 = new RadialDim(r28_1, new Point2D(Math.Cos(Utility.DegToRad(135)) * 13, Math.Sin(Utility.DegToRad(135)) * 13), 5);
design1.Entities.Add(rdim1, DimLayer);
RadialDim rdim2 = new RadialDim(abcol, new Point2D(Math.Cos(Utility.DegToRad(-145)) * 95, Math.Sin(Utility.DegToRad(-145)) * 95), 5)
ArrowsLocation = elementPositionType.Outside,
TrimLeader = true
design1.Entities.Add(rdim2, DimLayer);
RadialDim rdim3 = new RadialDim(acot, new Point2D(Math.Cos(Utility.DegToRad(135)) * 45, Math.Sin(Utility.DegToRad(135)) * 45), 5)
ArrowsLocation = elementPositionType.Outside,
TrimLeader = true
design1.Entities.Add(rdim3, DimLayer);
acl = SyncArcWithXY(acl);
RadialDim rdim4 = new RadialDim(acl, new Point2D(Math.Cos(Utility.DegToRad(-70)) * 20, Math.Sin(Utility.DegToRad(-70)) * 20), 5)
ArrowsLocation = elementPositionType.Outside,
TrimLeader = true
design1.Entities.Add(rdim4, DimLayer);
DiametricDim topdim = new DiametricDim(cit, new Point2D(Math.Cos(Utility.DegToRad(45)) * 40, Math.Sin(Utility.DegToRad(45)) * 40), 5);
design1.Entities.Add(topdim, DimLayer);
DiametricDim centerodim = new DiametricDim(ccd, new Point2D(Math.Cos(Utility.DegToRad(155)) * 90, Math.Sin(Utility.DegToRad(155)) * 90), 5);
design1.Entities.Add(centerodim, DimLayer);
DiametricDim bottomdim = new DiametricDim(cib, new Point2D(Math.Cos(Utility.DegToRad(225)) * 30, Math.Sin(Utility.DegToRad(225)) * 30), 5);
design1.Entities.Add(bottomdim, DimLayer);
DiametricDim bodttomodim = new DiametricDim(cob, new Point2D(Math.Cos(Utility.DegToRad(-45)) * 30, Math.Sin(Utility.DegToRad(-45)) * 30), 5);
design1.Entities.Add(bodttomodim, DimLayer);
AngularDim angDim = new AngularDim(Plane.XY, new Point3D(x, y), new Point3D(x + Math.Cos(Utility.DegToRad(-90)) * (85), y + Math.Sin(Utility.DegToRad(-90)) * (85)), new Point3D(x + Math.Cos(Utility.DegToRad(-45)) * (85), y + Math.Sin(Utility.DegToRad(-45)) * (85)), new Point3D(x + Math.Cos(Utility.DegToRad(-67.5)) * (85), y + Math.Sin(Utility.DegToRad(-67.5)) * (85)), 5);
design1.Entities.Add(angDim, DimLayer);
design1.Entities.AddRange(new Entity[] {
void DrawFrame()
string frameID = "124";
string frameTitle = "CAD Practice Drawing " + frameID;
int halfWidth = 200;
int halfHeight = 287;
design1.Entities.AddRange(new Entity[] {
new LinearPath(-halfWidth, -halfHeight, 2 * halfWidth, 2 * halfHeight),
new Line(-halfWidth / 4, -halfHeight + 30, halfWidth, -halfHeight + 30),
new Line(-halfWidth / 4, -halfHeight + 30, -halfWidth / 4, -halfHeight),
new Text(25, -halfHeight + 25, 0, "Title", 4, devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Text.alignmentType.MiddleCenter),
new Text(25, -halfHeight + 10, 0, frameTitle, 8, devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Text.alignmentType.MiddleCenter),
new Text(115, -halfHeight + 25, 0, "Date", 4, devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Text.alignmentType.MiddleCenter),
new Text(115, -halfHeight + 15, 0, "Design", 4, devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Text.alignmentType.MiddleCenter),
new Text(115, -halfHeight + 5, 0, "Check", 4, devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Text.alignmentType.MiddleCenter),
new Text(180, -halfHeight + 25, 0, "Approve", 4, devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Text.alignmentType.MiddleCenter),
new Line(halfWidth - 30, halfHeight - 15, halfWidth, halfHeight - 15),
new Line(halfWidth - 30, halfHeight - 15, halfWidth - 30, halfHeight),
new Text(halfWidth - 15, halfHeight - 7.5, 0, frameID, 8, devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Text.alignmentType.MiddleCenter)
// Add thin lines
design1.Entities.AddRange(new Entity[] {
new Line(-halfWidth / 4, -halfHeight + 20, halfWidth, -halfHeight + 20),
new Line(100, -halfHeight + 30, 100, -halfHeight),
new Line(130, -halfHeight + 30, 130, -halfHeight),
new Line(160, -halfHeight + 30, 160, -halfHeight),
new Line(100, -halfHeight + 10, 160, -halfHeight + 10)
}, ThinLayer);
private Arc SyncArcWithXY(Arc a)
Arc copy = a;
if (a.Plane.AxisZ.Z == -1)
copy = (Arc)a.Clone();
Point3D c = new Point3D(copy.Center.X, copy.Center.Y, copy.Center.Z);
Point2D start = new Point2D(copy.StartPoint.X, copy.StartPoint.Y);
Point2D end = new Point2D(copy.EndPoint.X, copy.EndPoint.Y);
double angS = new Vector2D((Point2D)c, start).Angle;//Angle between startPoint vector and X axis
double angE = new Vector2D((Point2D)c, end).Angle;//Angle between endpoint vector and Y axis
if (angS > angE)
start = new Point2D(copy.StartPoint.X, copy.StartPoint.Y);
end = new Point2D(copy.EndPoint.X, copy.EndPoint.Y);
angS = new Vector2D((Point2D)c, start).Angle;
angE = new Vector2D((Point2D)c, end).Angle;
Arc res = new Arc(c, copy.Radius, angS, angE);
return res;
private void Print()
design1.PageSetup(true, false, 0, new System.Drawing.Printing.PaperSize("A4", 826, 1169), false);
//Save current view Camera
design1.SaveView(out Camera cameraSaved);
design1.ActiveViewport.Camera.ProjectionMode = devDept.Eyeshot.projectionType.Orthographic;
//Creates printing setting object and customize it
HiddenLinesViewSettingsEx hdlS = new HiddenLinesViewSettingsEx(design1, hiddenLinesViewType.Viewport);
hdlS.KeepEntityLineWeight = true;
//Creates paper preview
HiddenLinesViewOnPaperPreview hdl = new HiddenLinesViewOnPaperPreview(hdlS, new Size(800, 600), 0.5);
//Restore saved view
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