NuGet package: devDept NuGet Server

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  • Hi,

    first of all, thanks for adding this! It is a great quality of life improvement to have NuGet packages and even a NuGet feed available.
    Following your discussion with Gert van de Venis in your other related article I would like to understand what's the best practice to restore those NuGet packages in our CI pipeline build processes.
    As I understand, I currently need to provide my DevDept login credentials to the CI pipeline runners so they can actually use the NuGet feed.

    Is this the intended way or are there any alternatives to this (e.g. generating an access token from my account and using that instead)?

    Kind regards,

  • Hi Michael,

    If you are only using the stable versions of the packages, it should be enough to provide the credentials in your production pipeline’s NuGet server settings.

    However, if you also need to use nightly builds, I recommend configuring a local folder where you can copy all the required packages, as explained in this article.

    If you need further support for your specific case, please feel free to open a support ticket.


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