The Eyeshot installer comes with official NuGet packages for .NET 6, 7, 8, and .NET Framework 4.7.2.
In Visual Studio 2022, you can easily install these packages by using the new entry under the Visual Studio Extensions menu.
If you rely on a legacy project, you can refer to this article that explains limitations and considerations to keep in mind, as well as the procedure to upgrade to the new SDK format.
If you still rely on Visual Studio 2019, you can follow the standard procedure explained here.
Once the package devDept.Eyeshot.Control for the proper platform, WinForms or WPF, has been installed, the toolbox will populate with the Eyeshot controls and the design-time support will be enabled.
For a comprehensive guide on handling Eyeshot NuGet packages, please refer to the general article here.
Great News.
Will you bring Eyeshot to the Mac then?
Hi Stefan,
Currently, the goal is to give the possibility to use the new language features shipped with .NET6 but only in Windows O.S., sorry.
Marcello, is there any plan to match compatibility of the whole .NET 6 environment ? I know that mean implement Metal for Mac and probably focus Vulkan or OpenGL for linux.
I'm just asking, i am not requesting.
Hi Francis,
Not in the short term, sorry.
This might interest you. The framework is compatible for many platform. Might help sprout some ideas.
Good news, will check it soon!
Sounds very interesting. Does this mean, we can use Eyeshot in a MAUI application? Of course only for Windows, but still ist this possible?
Hi Rainer,
Unfortunately no. For using Eyeshot in a MAUI application we need to rewrite the rendering code using a library like the one Francis suggested.
As I wrote, it's not planned in the short term, sorry.
Dear all, great to hear some news on this matter.
Are we talking about the geometric kernel only or you also updated the UI components?
Hi Matteo,
We also updated the UI components but only for use on Windows O.S.
Thank you @Marcello, sounds great. We'll give it a try as soon as possible, very looking forward to it. Personally, I appreciate the fact that you decided to speed up the development in this area, so thank you very much to the whole team.
I also just want to congratulate the DevDept team for making this possible for us. I was able to run Eyeshot in a .NET6 WPF environment with C# language features reserved to .NET Core, such as Span<T>. This is a very important milestone for our team, as we will continue to develop WPF on MS Windows targets, however we can now migrate from .NET framework to .NET6.
Hi DevDept Team! Now that you have successfully targeted the net6.0-windows framework, what can you tell us about when we can expect to target net7.0-windows? I would expect this is not as big as an undertaking as the one coming from net4.8, is this correct? Would love to hear an estimation.
Have you considered supporting .NET standard 2.1? If I understand correctly, this should allow one set of libraries to be used for .NET framework or .NET6/7 (or even older .NETcore)
.NET Standard is dead. Active development is shifted toward .NET Core and .NET 7.0.
They made .NET 5.0 in order to eventually replace .NET Standard 2.1 as of November 2020. Right now .NET Standard has been put on the same EOL schedule as .NET Framework (1.0 to 4.8) so they will keep supporting as long as the OS supports it.
Francis, I think you are correct about new development that does not require .NET framework support. However, it seems that Eyeshot will continue to support .NET framework for sometime. - Unless I'm misreading this, it says best practice for .NET framework & .NET 6/7 support should be done using .NET standard.
If .NET standard is not used, I think its not possible for one assembly to support both .NET 6/7 & .NET framework... and if 2 completely separate assemblies are used, this seems like a big support/maintenance issue. I've personally no experience targeting .NET standard, this is based on what I am reading... I am certainly not an expert on this.
James, the short version for people using both is if your code is on .NET standard dont touch it unless you really want more performance and feature of the latest platform.
There is not other compatibility layer that exist indeed.
Problem is that most third party lib are not availaible in .NET Standard as most desktop UI focus either .NET Framework or .NET 6.0 so they only offer one so you are pretty much stuck with your own app in either of those flavor. I have a bit over 4,400 libraries and a bit more than 80% are .NET Framework 3.5 to 4.7 (according to my dll checker) so either way .NET Standard cannot use those libraries
is it possible to do this with Eyeshot 2021?
Adam, Eyeshot 2021 is built against .net framework only, so the answer is no, sorry.
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