BC-179 |
Relocated Unlock() method |
The Unlock() method has been moved to the new class devDept.LicenseManager and must be called only once at the beginning of the application (before any Eyeshot object is created). |
BC-178 |
Renamed Brep.GetStraightEdgeIndex() method |
Renamed Brep.GetStraightEdgeIndex() method to GetEdgeIndex(). |
BC-177 |
Changed signature of Design.NewSketch(Brep brep, GBrep.Face face) method |
Changed signature of Design.NewSketch(Brep brep, GBrep.Face face) method. It now accepts faceIndex as first input parameter. |
BC-176 |
Changed signature of Design.EditSketch() method |
Changed signature of Design.EditSketch() method. It no longer accepts parents as input parameter. |
BC-175 |
Replaced Design.OpenSketch() method |
Replaced Design.OpenSketch() method with EditSketch(). |
BC-174 |
Params refactory |
Changed signature of TraversalParams constructors, now the Transformation param is optional. Moved SmallParams field from TraversalParams to FrustumParams. Removed set accessor on Deviation, Angle, and MaxLength properties of IRegenParams ( RegenParams and ComputeTessellationParams ) Removed set accessor on the following properties: ComputeTessellationParams.CloneVertices, TraversalParams.Blocks, TraversalParams.WorkSpace. |
BC-173 |
Brep face color change requires a Compile |
Due to Brep drawing optimizations, now after changing the face color, the Brep needs to be recompiled to see the changes. |
BC-172 |
Center of rotation |
The default center of rotation for assembly active component (current BlockReference) was changed to active component bounding box center. |
BC-171 |
Home toolbar button |
Changed Home toolbar button animation settings. Now it syncs with "ViewCube.AnimateCamera" setting. |
BC-170 |
FemMesh.SetForce() method |
Now it divides the "amount" parameter by the number of relevant FemMesh nodes |
BC-169 |
Manufacture.Tool property |
Manufacture.Tool property was renamed to SimulationTool. Former "Manufacture.SimulationTool" property is now "ToolBlockRef". |
BC-168 |
FemMesh.Skin property |
FemMesh.Skin property was renamed to BoundaryMesh |
BC-167 |
Contour2D.Flips property |
Contour2D.Flips property has moved to Geometry2D class |
BC-166 |
Milling.Setup class |
All the machining classes constructors now accept "Geometry" as a parameter |
BC-165 |
Static methods from CompositeCurve, Curve to UtilityEx and GCompositeCurve, GCurve to Utility |
Moved the following methods to UtilityEx:
- CompositeCurve.IntersectionLineLine(ICurve line1, ICurve line2, Plane pln, out Point3D i0)
- CompositeCurve.IntersectionLineLine(ICurve line1, ICurve line2, out Point3D i0)
- CompositeCurve.IntersectionLineCircle(Line line, Circle arc, Plane pln, out Point3D i0, out Point3D i1)
- CompositeCurve.IntersectionLineCircle(Line line, Circle arc, Plane pln, bool infiniteLine, out Point3D i0, out Point3D i1)
- CompositeCurve.IntersectionLineCircle3D(Line line, Circle circ, out Point3D i0, out Point3D i1)
- CompositeCurve.IntersectionCircleCircle(Circle arc1, Circle arc2, Plane pln, out Point3D i0, out Point3D i1)
- CompositeCurve.IntersectionCircleCircle3D(Circle arc1, Circle arc2, out Point3D i0, out Point3D i1)
- Curve.Intersection(ICurve C1, ICurve C2)
- Curve.Intersection(ICurve C1, ICurve C2, double maxGap)
- Curve.Intersection2D(ICurve C1, ICurve C2, Plane plane)
Moved the following methods to Utility:
- GCompositeCurve.IntersectionLineLine(IGCurve line1, IGCurve line2, Plane pln, out Point3D i0)
- GCompositeCurve.IntersectionLineLine(IGCurve line1, IGCurve line2, out Point3D i0)
- GCompositeCurve.IntersectionLineCircle(GLine line, GCircle arc, Plane pln, out Point3D i0, out Point3D i1)
- GCompositeCurve.IntersectionLineCircle(GLine line, GCircle arc, Plane pln, bool infiniteLine, out Point3D i0, out Point3D i1)
- GCompositeCurve.IntersectionLineCircle3D(GLine line, GCircle circ, out Point3D i0, out Point3D i1)
- GCompositeCurve.IntersectionCircleCircle(GCircle arc1, GCircle arc2, Plane pln, out Point3D i0, out Point3D i1)
- GCompositeCurve.IntersectionCircleCircle3D(GCircle arc1, GCircle arc2, out Point3D i0, out Point3D i1)
- GCurve.Intersection(IGCurve C1, IGCurve C2)
- GCurve.Intersection(IGCurve C1, IGCurve C2, double maxGap)
- GCurve.Intersection2D(IGCurve C1, IGCurve C2, Plane plane)
BC-164 |
Entity.GetBb() and GetPointsForConvexHull() methods
Removed GetBb() and GetPointsForConvexHull() methods from the following entities: Circle, CompositeCurve, Ellipse, Line, LinearPath, Point, Curve, Region. |
BC-163 |
Geometric kernel / UI separation |
- Renamed devDept.Eyeshot.Environment to Workspace
- Renamed devDept.Eyeshot.Drawings to Drawing
- Moved devDept.Environment.Unlock() method to devDept.LicenseManager.Unlock()
- Moved struct devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.HitTriangle to devDept.Geometry.Entities namespace
- Removed property ParamSurfaceIndex from HitTriangle and HitVertex structs.
- Moved enum devDept.Graphics.elementType to devDept.Geometry.elementType namespace
- Moved enum devDept.Eyeshot.textureMappingType to devDept.Geometry namespace
- Removed param contentType from EntitySurrogate.CheckSurrogateData() virtual method signature.
- Renamed property EntitySurrogate.DeserializationContent to Content
- Moved method Utility.GetScalingLevel() to UtilityEx.GetScalingLevel()
- Moved method Utility.ColorToFloatArray() to UtilityEx.ColorToFloatArray()
- Moved class devDept.Eyeshot.WorkUnit to devDept namespace
- Moved some classes from devDept.Eyeshot to devDept namespace: WorkManager, WorkUnitEventArgs, WorkFailedEventArgs, WorkCompletedEventArgs
- Replaced param devDept.Eyeshot.Environment with object in signature of methods: WorkCompleted(), WorkCancelled(), WorkFailed()
- Moved delegates from devDept.Eyeshot.Environment to devDept.WorkUnit namespace: WorkCompletedEventHandler, WorkCancelledEventHandler, WorkFailedEventHandler
- Moved some Enum types from devDept.Entities.Mesh to devDept.Geometry.Entities.GMesh namespace: natureType, edgeStyleType, normalAveragingType
- Moved some Classes/Structs from devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Brep to devDept.Geometry.Entities.GBrep namespace: Vertex, Face, Edge, OrientedEdge, Loop
- Brep.Face is now of type GBrep.Face. The Color is now stored in GBrep.Face.ARGB property
- Replaced property Brep.Face.Tessellation with Brep.TessellationFaces and Brep.TessellationInners. Each mesh of tessellation stands for a single GBrep.Face
- Replaced methods Brep.Face.ConverToMesh() and Brep.Face.ConvertToSurface() with methods Brep.ConvertFaceToMesh() and Brep.ConvertFaceToSurface()
- Region.ContourList is now declared as List<IGCurve>
- CompositeCurve.CurveList is now declared as List<IGCurve> and the constructor CompositeCurve(params ICurve[] curveList) has been changed to CompositeCurve(params IGCurve[] gCurveList)
- Replaced devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.TrimCurve with devDept.Geometry.Entities.GTrimCurve
(When reading a previous version of the Eyeshot file containing a TrimCurve, it's converted to a Curve where its primitive is a GTrimCurve).
- Removed param keepVertices from signature of method devDept.Geometry.UtilityEx.DetectRegionsFromContours()
- Moved devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.KnotVectorExtender to devDept.Geometry.Entities namespace
- Removed Surface Direction property
- Surface Trimming property is now of type GRegion
- Surface SeamU, SeamV, Generatrix properties are now of type GCurve
- Removed methods EntityList.Intersect2D() and Curve.Intersect2D() in favor of Utility.Intersect2D method
- Moved methods devDept.Eyeshot.Environment.MakeFace() to devDept.Geometry.Utility.MakeFace()
- Changed method UtilityEx.DoOverlapOrTouch(Mesh, Mesh,..) to Utility.DoOverlapOrTouch(GMesh, GMesh,..)
- Removed constructor LinearPath(int numVertices)
- Removed virtual keyword from Curve.SubCurve() methods.
- Moved devDept.Eyeshot.QuadTree and Octree classes to devDept.Geometry namespace
- Moved enum devDept.Entities.PointCloud.natureType to devDept.Geometry.Entities.GPointCloud namespace
- UtilityEx.SortAndOrient() no longer clones the input curves
- Removed Entity.RegenNoChanges(), now you can call ComputeTessellation() on the entity's Primitive.
BC-162 |
Utility.IsInFrustum() method |
Utility.IsInFrustum() now works with a positive radius value
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