Breaking Changes in Eyeshot version 2023

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  • The list seems to be incomplete.

    I just started migrating our software to Eyeshot 2023 and it seems the ComputeTessellation method that used to exist for GBreps does not exist for the Brep class. There is a "GetTessellation" method, but that does not have any parameters for required tolerances etc. Same is true for the Curve class: GCurve had a method called ComputeTessellation, The Curve class doesn't have that method or any other method that would seem related to getting a linear approximation to the curve.

    Some other minor changes I could figure out myself (for example the change in the SelectionChangedEventArgs ctor signatures), but this one really has me stumped. I found a CurveMesher work unit class that seems, at least from its parameters, to compute a linear approximation of a curve, but I really hope I don't have to create a work unit instance whenever I need the linear approximation of a curve or a triangulation of a Brep face, so I really hope there's something obvious I'm just missing.

  • Hello Matthias,

    You are right, please call the Brep.Regen(deviation) to obtain the same effect.

    CurveMesher is a really simple class we are creating new all the time even during tessellation of our own types. You can even replace it with your own implementation.


  • Matthias how go?? because im almost finish 10 days still not finish the migration

    its not only Gbrep go but also the surface its not always can extract from face.parametric and in some case its rise exeption( i have many many cases

    need pass one by one)

    also the  Brep inteersction ,now if solution its "UnknownFailure" its will change the parent(Brep) face parametr to null

    hope for you its more easy

  • Hello Yaakov,

    We offered to migrate your projects for free in front of your eyes and you declined, so there is no reason to complain.


  • Just an FYI I believe I found a bug in the WPF control where viewports crash if there is not a toolbar present. I can go into one of the provided 2023 samples (SelectTriangles for instance) and remove the toolbar section from the xaml description of the viewport, and the viewport will crash on load. After upgrading from 2023.2 it took me a while to figure out why all my viewports were breaking whenever a viewcube icon or coordinate system icon were present, and the solution was to add an empty toolbar. Strange, but that's worked as a solution for me. I can send an example app to Eyeshot if you guys are interested, but I think it shouldn't be hard to reproduce.

  • Hi Michael,

    We solved the issue with the build 2023.3.602.

    Thanks for reporting it.

  • I noticed more that seems to be missing in the list. We're on version 2023.2.475 and the Quaternion constructor now gives completely different results than it did in previous versions. You've listed a change to the Quaternion constructor only for version 2023.3 so I don't know what's going on there.

  • Hi Brandon,

    you're right: by mistake the BC was listed between the ones of Eyeshot 2023.3 instead of 2023.1, as it should: now it should be fixed.


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